Monday, 13 February 2012


In today’s world the internet has got its place as a result of the ability of users to move from a page in a website or application software to another. The power behind this is called Hyperlinks.
There are various hyperlinks organizing the way we use the internet, some of these are listed below:
1) Email hyperlinks 2) Video hyperlinks 3) Text hyperlinks 4) Image hyperlinks
An email hyperlink has shown it important and website owners still insist of using it. The ability to link your email address form website to a web-mail application enabling your visitor to send email to use without leaving your website. An example of this is Microsoft Outlook. If well integrated can be very useful.
Taking Youtube as a case study, the number of users daily is overwhelming. Links embedded in video can really go as far as moving view to click on it. It can be a constant link or one that comes after the video must have been played. Video links can also be placed on individual or company websites and linked to same or other location depending on the content of the video. With the use of hyperlinks internet marketing has shown it power and people are making millions of dollar as you read this now.
Text hyperlinks is the origin of hyperlinks, phrases or a sentence can be selected and hyper-linked in the same page in the web page (Named Anchor) or another located in the internet. Using can move without noticing they did. Text hyperlinks has been the basis of Google adsense resulting to millions of clicks and impression. Information can be convey easily with text and a hyperlink added as the start or end of the information, if interesting, visitors will click.
When image hyperlinks started, photography took advance of this, knowing it will boost their business and then create more job opportunities for people. Indeed they made the right choice by apply image hyperlinks to their websites and other web application useful to their day to day activities. Today not only photographer’s use these wonderful features I do, much organization do and more are joining, so don’t be left out join today by developing your website and applying the power of hyperlinks.
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