Amazing Dubai from
above... it seems impossible! Thanks again Dubai Films ! :)

Great above shot with the lights.

The pollution this is generating, is that part of the picture you won't see, nor will you see the slave labour used to build this city.....nor will you see the squalor they live in !!! Progress with ZERO conscience !!!

Dubai est ville lumiere d 'en haut ! ville ou l 'eau est plus cher que le pétrole ???????

So thats where Janet jackson and her husband live nowadays WOW. BEAUTIFUL CITY

I'm planning to visit someday that place is beautiful.

Have to visit someday! - add it to the bucket list.

we, humans did that, wow! other parts of the world need to understand and catch up instead of killing themselves

Model type of world wonder

Amazing! Spectacular shot!

+Trey Ratcliff Your shots are very unique and pretty!! Yeah, that's right. There is something special about your pictures!!

there's a thousand people running in place to power that scene haha

Oooowwww. It's a really and amazing fhoto.

That's an amazing view from where you are!!

O my! O my! O my! this is spectacular! its wau! amazing! incredibly nice! I wish I could get there one day!

Extraordinary capture. 😊

Giving me a little more than happy to see you

wow i love Dubai
attractive pix

Where is the stoning plaza?

Your oil dollars at work.

Have visit someday that place it's very beauty

Neat. It looks like a pinball machine. I seriously need to get out the states.

Build by salves,never spend penny in that shit hole.

this is best view i love that

I stayed at in one of those twin towers. The Emirates hotel. Whose idea was it to put a MALL, inside the tower! And that tall tower, the biggest one, the new year's fireworks were viewed there. It was so awesome.

so nice and very very beautiful so queet superb

WOW....., very beautiful picture....
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