Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Can websites take your IP address?

I periodically visit survey websites for some Q&A’s, and recently I started receiving high volume of unsolicited emails, I wondered how the sender got hold of my email and even personalizing the content of the email to addressed to me, then I thought can website take your IP address. I got recent report from a close friend saying she filled some survey questions desiring information on her sexual fantasies and at the end of the survey, she was told that her IP address has been recorded and result will be publish in their neighborhood weekend journal, she call and need my advice and this is what I have to say:
Take precautions regarding the websites you visit demanding for your personal information, if you must visit such websites, then you need to change your IP address using your Network Setting located at your Internet browser Tool Options. Clicking on the Manual IP configuration and entry the numbers and port. Steps to access your network setting varies from one browser to another. You can get list of IP address free using Google “free proxy” I recommend TOOL.PROXY is 100% free and houses enough IP address. They are some limitations you should know whilst using free ip address and port “Socks”.
Immediately contact the web master to request the cancellation of your survey; you can record this conversation, email or phone as your proof to file a suit if your request was neglected. You have the freedom of information and can choose to let your neighborhoods see what your personal answers and views are or not. The use of Virtual Private Network will provide dedicated IP address, so you don’t need to worry about all the stress in working with IP’s.
Limitation of Free IP Addresses (Proxy)
1.      At the offset, your internet speed will increase, as times progresses more people terms to use the same IP address and port you are using cause a terribly reduction in your connection, you need to frequently need to change the IP address for effectively use.
2.      Some IP addresses stand as a adware, and you will might frequently pop up ads in your screen making your data insecure when you see such, all you need do is change the IP address. 
3.      Using other countries IP addresses might limit your access to some websites as a result of constant abusive.
Ranging from unsolicited mails, adware, and publication of personal information can come from your IP address been taken via a website or a program. Be secured and safe today by applying this safety tips through downloading some of my free eBooks at or via Amazon search “Chukwuebuka ”
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