Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Advantages of Amazon's Kindle eBooks

Over the last couple of years, the Kindle has transformed the way we read books. It has sold tens of thousand, if not more, units and has proved a huge hit for Amazon. It has spawned a huge cottage industry producing cases, gizmo's, gadgets and books for it.
Whilst many people criticize the Kindle it has helped a lot of people who wouldn't normally read return to books and read them again.
The benefits of the Kindle are manyfold, including the fact you can have thousands of books on a single small electronic device. It makes it easy to read books because you can pick and choose whatever book you want rather than having to carry around a heavy and bulky hardback book or a battered paperback.
Books for the Kindle are generally cheaper than their printed equivalent, which you would expect. This has made books more affordable for many people, particularly in these tough economic times.
Another feature, whilst still experimental, that is useful is the ability of the Kindle to read a book aloud to you. Admittedly it does sound like Stephan Hawkins is reading to you, but it is useful for when you are tired or if you are unable to read for yourself, making books much more accessible to the handicapped.
Let's not forget the Kindle has the ability to enlarge the font for you. If you are vision impaired this means you are no longer reliant on large print books and can read any book you want. For those of us that have crossed over 40 and whose eyesight isn't as sharp as before it is a godsend and means you don't need to hold the book at arms length or a few inches from your eyes.
Whilst the Kindle is good in many respects, in others it has disadvantages. The screen is small and it doesn't support any kind of color display, which puts it at a disadvantage for any technical book or book with lots of pictures or diagrams in. If this is what you are mainly going to read then you need to look at an iPad or similar tablet.
In the Kindle's favor is the fact it is owned and promoted by the world's largest marketplace, Amazon. It has tens of thousands (and more) books available for it, with hundreds being added every day. Nowadays almost every new publication is produced in a Kindle format.
The Kindle is a great handheld device which is bringing many people back to books. If you like the feel of a book in your hands or enjoy flicking through a book then you may not enjoy the Kindle as much, but for many people it is massively convenient and useful. Whilst it does have its detractors the Kindle has revolutionized reading and will continue to grow from strength to strength as more and more people invest in this handy electronic book reader. You can download my books (Kindle Edition) HERE

Chukwuebuka Umeakuchukwu is an author, information security consultant and web entrepreneur specialized in InfoSec eBooks and other "How To Manuals", a website developer.You can contact Chukwuebuka via e-mail at for pricing quotes and writing details.
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