Sunday, 8 January 2012

What You Really Ought to Know About Internet Safety for Kids

Living without having access to the internet these days would be hard to imagine. On any given day you'll find over 40 million people browsing the web just to pass time, have fun, connect with friends or just hang out. A large percentage of these web browsers are children, and with that comes a responsibility to provide Internet safety for kids.
There are millions of websites to visit and explore, several ways to waste time and also get in trouble! Just as in the non-internet world there are people out there who will try to take advantage of you.
I'm sure you've already heard the stories about those kids who have gotten into trouble in chat rooms. It's very easy for users to remain completely anonymous and ask visitors (kids) information about their families, where they live and their phone number just to name a few. This type of information should never be given away.
Unfortunately there are several predators that make a living by taking this information and use is to harm a family's property, steal financial information and even as disgusting as it sounds start inappropriate relationships with children.
However, the internet is home to a multitude of websites you can and should visit. It is home to an endless supply of information. It is great for research, homework and you can even check out what college you may be interested in going to when you graduate.
When you're surfing the web you are going to need to learn how to protect yourself, your family and your children when you're online. The key is to practice smart and safe web surfing, and here are some Internet safety tips for kids:
· Remain anonymous
· Keep all your private information safe and secure
· Never, ever give out your Full name
· Home address
· Phone number
· Passwords
· Social security number
· Credit card numbers
· Names of your family members
Make sure that you think carefully when you make your e-mail address or screen name. Most experts will recommend that you make a combination of numbers and letters to provide extra security and not identify if you're a male or female. As well as using a nickname that is different from your screen name.
If your kids choose to have an online friendship, make sure that it is kept in the web world. When you meet your online friends face to face there are a lot of dangerous situations that can develop, because it's easy to pretend to be someone or something that they are not. If your child is in a chat room where they feel uncomfortable or in danger for any reason they need to exit immediately.
Don't be alarmed though, most people and companies are responsible and legit. There is also parental control software available for you to buy and install on your computer, to keep your kids and family safe. Internet safety for kids is the duty of every parent, family member, concerned citizen as well as just being the right thing to do.
Chukwuebuka Umeakuchukwu is an author, information security consultant and web entrepreneur specialized in InfoSec eBooks and other "How To Manuals", a website developer.You can contact Chukwuebuka via e-mail at for pricing quotes and writing details.

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