Friday, 6 January 2012

Secret to Convert EBooks to Blockbuster Movie.

The power of creativity lies in the mind of a creator that creates from the creature.
As a writer of fiction books (Novel) you must written over a dozen eBooks, and probably made few sales with Amazon, you book can be nominated if you apply script writing contest and win the first prize. You can also contact single company producers to take a look at your work, be luck you script could be optioned. Following the below listed steps, I will show you how to make your novel become a blockbuster in Hollywood.
Converting your novel into a script is easier said than done. Only a few writers with passion to actually sit and write will take advantage of this. First draft is dynamic script writing software that can aid you in formatting and editing your novel into a movie script. Some good word processor can do this, but a good knowledge is needed to achieve this. Separating the character and scenes is a good start.
Camera direction is a plus, director and producers look easy script written with the camera screw at heart, so when converting your novel, please bear in mind the camera directions, zoom in and out, coming from behind and mirror reflections are some of the words you should use. Dialogue is necessary, it depend on the genre of your eBook, people love to see action not talks. You have to input the actions as your write. Like I said the genre matters, if you are converting a love or romantic, then the dialogue is all yours to show your Shakespeare skills and still will make it to Blockbuster.
If you are using a using a narrator, this isn’t going to be easy. As your narrator will stand aside and follow your words in a simple easy to understand manner, knowing when to introduce a character, describe a scene or location and create a pictorial image in the mind of the read is where your writing gift comes to play. Most of the scriptwriters out there follow rules, but I believe in the world of creativity there are no straight rules, I blend mine and it works.
Now that you know your EBook can become the next Hollywood blockbuster and even creates a celebrity world for you, you can start now to convert those EBooks. Procrastinating is not a good way to live, don’t procrastinate, start now, you will be surprise at the level of your succeed; convert at least three of your EBooks for a start.
Source or via Amazon using “Chukwuebuka” as your search keyword

Best of Luck.
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