Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Nigeria: NIMC Announces Successful Test-run of National Electronic Identity Project

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has successfully test-run the national electronic Identity (eID) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

The test-run was carried out at its head office in Abuja.
The PKI provides the framework of services; technology, protocols and standards that enable the deployment and management of a strong information security system based on public key cryptography.

Speaking on the significance of the experiment before board members of NIMC, management staff and the Vendors, Cryptovision,   Director General of NIMC, Chris Onyemenam,  said: "It lies in the fact that it is a process that will be leading up to the personalisation and issuance of a secure National ID card. It is one step closer in the process to the issuance of national identity card that will be recognised and generally accepted globally.”

The Brand Manager, Cryptovision, Mr. Adam Ross, explained that security had been embedded in the card at every level. “First of all, the chip being delivered is the most modern travel card operating platform that enables it to be used for multiple purposes which has a very high level of security” he said, adding, “The key document or private key information that is stored in the chip is protected by hardware. So the chip itself prevents the card from being accessed by anyone else except the card holder.”

Cryptovision, which specialises in technology security is supplying background infrastructure and providing the security structures in the card to validate the document integrity, prevent it from being forged or copied, enable very advanced electronic usage  and secure authentication to websites.

The National Identity PKI consists of a self-assigned root Certificate Authority (CA) and a trusted Registration and subordinate Certificate Authority (RA and CA) owned and administered by NIMC.

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