Wednesday, 19 November 2014

China hospital attack Seven Dead.

At least seven Chinese people have been killed in an attack at a hospital dormitory in the north of the country.

All of the victims, a hospital administrator and six nurses, were stabbed to death and another nurse sustained serious injuries in the attack at the hospital in Beidaihe District on Thursday, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

The news agency further said that a suspect had been arrested, but did not provide any further details on the incident.

In the past two years, attacks on doctors and health care workers have been on the rise, forcing China’s Health Ministry to upgrade security measures at hospitals.
Statistics available on attacks launched against doctors and other health care staff in China date backs to the year 2010, showing a total of 17,243 cases of assault, including  beatings, threats, kidnappings, verbal abuse and murder.

Source: Press TV. | be informed to perform... 
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