Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Future whistleblowers discouraged by FIFA

The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) whistleblower Phaedra Almajid says her treatment by the association discourages other whistleblowers from providing evidence regarding corruption allegations against the organization.

During an interview with the Associated Press on Wednesday, Almajid, the former head of international media relations for the Qatar 2022 bid, said that FIFA judge Joachim Eckert had discredited her and breached confidentiality by indirectly revealing her identity in a report published last week.

In the 42-page report, Eckert said Almajid and Australian whistleblower Bonita Mersiades, a former member of the Senior Management Team for the Australian 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup bid, lacked credibility. While the report did not name them, it did make indirect references that, Almajid says, made her easily identifiable.

“After what they’ve done to me and Bonita, who else is going to want to come forward and be a FIFA whistleblower?” Almajid said.

Back in 2011, Almajid had said that three FIFA executive committee members were paid $1.5 million to vote for Qatar over its 2010 vote. Her name was mentioned in a statement that year, in which she said she was coerced to withdraw her claims of corruption by unnamed Qatari officials.
“This has cost me dearly (but) I am ready to keep fighting for the truth to be known and for what happened to me not to happen to anyone else,” she said, adding that the safety of her children has also been threatened as a result.

This is while Almajid said FIFA prosecutor Michael Garcia had agreed to keep her identity anonymous before having met her.
Source: Press TV | be informed to perform...

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