Monday, 8 July 2013

Do You Just Create Products Or Do You Provide Solutions?
In this article I am going to share with you why you need to create products that provide a solution to a specific need if you really want to offer real value and help others. It will also increase your conversions too.
If you think about the times you have purchased something then you will notice that the reason behind your purchase is based on the fact that you needed something or you had a problem that you needed to fix.
For example, you purchase a new TV because your old doesn't work anymore or perhaps it didn't have a specific function that you now needed. You purchase a book on DIY because you need to find out how to do something in the home.

The reason behind your purchase is to solve a problem to get the results you are wanting.
Therefore when it comes to creating information products you have to make sure that you base your product as being a solution to a specific need that people in your niche have.
When you focus on providing a solution it becomes easier for you to market your product to the right audience. Basically the people who have the problem that your product solves!
Since you are targeting your product promotion to people who need your solution you will see an increase in your conversion rate.

By creating your own products, you become seen as a solution provider and once someone has purchased from you once, they are very likely to purchase again because you have proved that you provide solutions.
To find out what type of solution to provide you should spend time asking potential customers what things they struggle with in your niche.

Start to develop relationships with people in your niche so that you can find out exactly what gaps there are in the market and ways that you could improve on what is already on offer.
Providing solutions is one of your keys to success. Being able to offer your own solution puts you ahead of a lot of your competition who are just promoting affiliate products.

If someone is looking for help they will go to the solution provider themselves because they know more, they are an expert and they will be able to provide more targeted and relevant help.
So will you offer products or will you decide to be a solution provider and create your own solutions and become recognised as the expert in your niche?
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